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31 January 2012

“Academia Europaea statement on the position of Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe”

«After consultation with the Section chairs of our Social Science and Humanities Sections; the Board have published the following paper.

This position paper is aimed at drawing public attention to several potentially dangerous facts and trends relating to the organisation and funding of science and scholarship (in its broadest sense) in Europe; which may soon result in non-recoverable losses in the Humanities and to some extent in the Social Sciences, especially in areas less related to the economic environment. At the same time, we suggest possible short and longer-time remedies and declare our determination to assist the European research community and the decision makers in minimising losses that will be unavoidable if the current situation remains unchanged.

30 January 2012

Alessandro Pratesi (1922-2012)

  Faleceu Alessando Pratesi, um dos Grandes Mestres da Diplomática e da Paleografia.  

Catedrático de Paleografia e Diplomática na Facoltà di Lettere da Università di Bari (1960–1966), Catedrático de Diplomática na Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari da Università di Roma "La Sapienza" (1966–1992). Foi o primeiro Presidente do Centro de Estudos Internacionais “Giuseppe Ermini” em Ferentino (1985–1992).


28 January 2012

Projecto de Investigação – para seguir de perto!

Li hoje no Público – aqui – que Rita Marquilhas (linguista, investigadora em História da Língua) ganhou uma bolsa do Conselho Europeu de Investigação no valor de 1,8 milhões de euros para publicar (on-line) e estudar a correspondência privada preservada nos processos da Inquisição e da Casa da Suplicação (entre os séculos XVII e inícios do XIX).

A Rita Marquilhas, tanto quanto sei, é a única pessoa em Portugal que estuda a língua escrita de semi-alfabetizados e, portanto, os testemunhos gráficos do tipo que Petrucci designa por «scritture elementari di base», que nos chegam por via da correspondência privada. (v. Scrittura ed epistolografia, Roma, Gangemi, 2004 ou Scrivere lettere. Una storia plurimillenaria, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008).

Muitos parabéns e votos de estrondoso sucesso!


Nova colectânea de artigos de M. B. Parkes: Pages from the Past: Medieval Writing Skills and Manuscript Books, editado (à inglesa) por Pamela Robinson e Rivkah Zim e publicado pela Ashgate
Sai em Fevereiro mas já se pode comprar na Editora (com desconto de 20%): descrição e preço aqui.


Part I Scribes and Scripts
  • The Hereford Map: the handwriting and copying of the text
  • Richard Frampton: a commercial scribe c.1390–c.1420
  • Patterns of scribal activity and revisions of the text in early copies of works by John Gower
  • Archaizing hands in English manuscripts   
Part II Punctuation  
  • Latin autograph manuscripts: orthography and punctuation
  • Punctuation and the medieval history of texts
  • Medieval punctuation and the modern editor  
  • Punctuation in copies of Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus
Part III Readers
  • Rædan, areccan, smeagan: how the Anglo-Saxons read
  • Folia librorum quaerere: medieval experience of the problems of hypertext and the index  
  • Stephan Batman's manuscripts
Part IV Book Provision
  • History in books’ clothing: books as evidence for cultural relations between England and the Continent in the 7th and 8th centuries  
  • The compilation of the Dominican lectionary
  • The provision of books

27 January 2012

Late Medieval English Scribes

Late Medieval English Scribes is an online catalogue of all scribal hands (identified or unidentified) which appear in the manuscripts of the English writings of five major Middle English authors: Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, John Trevisa, William Langland and Thomas Hoccleve.
Citado do website do Catálogo electrónico.

Responsáveis: Professor Linne R. Mooney, University of York (Principal Investigator), Dr Simon Horobin, University of Oxford (Co-Investigator), and Dr Estelle Stubbs, University of York (Research Associate), and Honorary Research Fellow, Humanities Research Institute (HRI), University of Sheffield.

Muitíssimo interessante, bem pensado e bem executado. A parte da descrição dos caracteres é a mais fraca e denota ausência de reflexão. Mas, quem dera…

26 January 2012

Call for papers

Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Bergen
School of English at the University of Leicester
University of Bergen, 3rd-5th June 2012

Título: “Writing Europe before 1450: A Colloquium”

data limite: 31 de Janeiro de 2012

How did local writers, compilers and readers use writing to inscribe regional identity within broader conventions or, on the other hand, impress 'universal' practices and constructs on local populations? In what way did the spread of sacred writing from the Mediterranean to the northern and eastern edges of Europe contribute to or reflect the creations of (both material and cultural) peripheries and centers? What were the different markets for books; can we characterize their developments and differences? How do the dynamics (e.g. the production, consumption and regulation) of this textual culture in the Latin West compare with those found in other places and periods? What new or existing methodologies can be employed to map the geographies of written words across Europe? Finally, to what extent does the examination of these issues support or undermine temporal and geographical bifurcations of the world into modern and 'not'.

Call for papers

We welcome proposals from scholars working on writers, book production and use, and responses to texts in any language up to 1450. Abstracts (300 words or less) for papers (20 minutes) should be submitted on-line using the form provided.

Call for papers

Oxford/Cambridge International Chronicles Symposium
University of Oxford, 5-7 July 2012
The conference will take place at The Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies.

Tema: “Bonds, Links, and Ties in Medieval and Renaissance Chronicles”

data limite: 31 de Janeiro de 1012

Call for Papers

Abstracts of no more than 300 words for papers of 20 minutes must be submitted to the organizers via e-mail (at by 31 January 2012.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:
  • genealogies (real or imagined) 
  • family bonds 
  • textual links 
  • breaks and discontinuities 
  • links between past, present, and future 
  • ties of religion and faith 
  • law, order, and disruption 
  • oaths, promises, and betrayals 
  • local, regional, and national identities

Call for papers

XVIII Colloque international de paléographie latine
St Gallen, 11-14 • IX • 2013

Tema: “O Scriptorium”

Texto completo do call for papers, disponível em várias línguas em

data limite: 1 de Junho de 2012

1. The word and its meaning
a) The use and usage of the word scriptorium (and its synonyms); the evidence of different kinds of source (literary, iconographic, etc.) for its existence as an institutional entity.
b) In what ways have scholars and writers of the classical, post-medieval and contemporary periods used the term or expressed the same concept?

25 January 2012

Concursos para projectos de investigação (FCT)

«Na sequência de orientações superiores, a Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia informa que abrirá em 2012 os seguintes concursos, abrangendo todos os domínios científicos

Concursos abertos sequencialmente em quatro áreas científicas:
a) …
d) Ciências Sociais e Humanidades, com candidaturas abertas entre 3 de Abril e 3 de Maio de 2012.

Provas de Mestrado

Mestrando: Licenciado Jorge André Nunes Barbosa da Veiga Testos
Título da Dissertação: Sentenças Régias em Tempo de Ordenações Afonsinas (1446-1512).                                             Um Estudo de Diplomática Judicial
Área Científica: História, especialização em Paleografia e Diplomática
Data: 14 de Fevereiro de 2012, às 15:00
Local: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, sala 5.2

19 valores
Parabés, Jorge!